
Six Over-Eating Styles

Six Over-Eating Styles

1. Fast-Foodism - eating mostly junk food, processed food, fast food
2. Emotional Eating - eating out of stress, anger, anxiety, boredom, loneliness
3. Food Fretting - fretting about the best way to eat, judging yourself and others about food, obsessing about what to eat
4. Task Snacking - eating while driving, walking down the street, watching TV, surfing the internet or working
5. Unappetizing Atmosphere - eating in environments that are loud, unattractive, aesthetically and/or psychologically unpleasant
6. Solo Dining - eating by yourself more often than not

These overeating styles change the way you metabolize food, and contribute to weight gain.

What can you do about overeating?
Here's one tip…Ask yourself: What do you really really want to eat? If you don't really really want to eat something, ask yourself: what do you really want?

Posted via email from Hasan 's Timeline . . .


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