Let’s not be hypocrites and say that we are...

Let’s not be hypocrites and say that we are independent.
#Pakistan #14august #peace #love #coexist #progress #azadi
Yes, we separated from Hindustan on this very day some 73 years ago. Until the day, I see a sister from minorities independent to practice their religion, my brothers in Balochistan independent and safe at home, my mothers and daughters not being groped or catcalled, my self secure in my own home, quality education, health and other utility services equally available for all, and most importantly a concerned leader who should guide and lead our institutions and utilize national resources with loyalty and goodwill.
Consider me a traitor or whatever, We are still in the phase of independence rather we have witnessed a long dark night waiting for a dawn of a better day. Let’s work for a better society, a great future, and peaceful coexistence. (at Pakistan)
via Tumblr https://ift.tt/3kIzRo2 on August 14, 2020 at 07:34AM
Labels: 14august, azadi, coexist, IFTTT, love, peace, progress, Tumblr pakistan
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