
The fear of facing people. . .

I should anounce that i have some what of the fear of public facing.
Last week i had a presentation as a part of our assignment. . . . I
simple couldn't make it.
That what they call fear of public speaking.

Similarly i can't sometimes ask people if i need somethng from them
i why don't know why but it seems as if i fear that may be i say some
thng wrong, may be i do some harm to some ones feelings, or may be
that person gets angry on me and don't talk to me or may be i don't
know why i can't do so.
This makes me feel that i have to get some counciling kind of thing or
do something on my own to over come it.
But i have to do something as after all human is a social animal and
can't live together.

Hay at this moment its raining and i wish that every one has the same
happiness as i have every time.

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